PG . 10
Let me introduce myself , I have been a member of this amazing association for close to 40yrs and I am AQHA proud , I look forward to being your President and will work diligently to serve you the members for the next 12 mths . Please feel free to call me at any time and have a chat , I will welcome any members input .
AQHA last financial year posted a profit , so this financial year we are going to try and support all facets of our industry , including affiliates to try and encourage everybody to get back in the show pen , as we know due to Covid 19 it has been a tough couple of years .
We are continuing to update our grounds around the office , and do some necessary work on building , this will continue over the next twelve months .
Our program for the the 2022 AQHA nationals should be out soon , and some exciting times ahead for us all to get back to the show pen . I feel very encouraged by the number of members breeding this year and they seem positive and excited about their foals coming .
Stay safe , to all members and their families , thank you for your continuing promotion and support of AQHA .
Enjoy the Journey KIM JOHNSON - AQHA President
Kim Johnson PRESIDENT Portfolio : International 278 Jeffries Road LOCKSLEY VIC 3665 Phone : 0427 667 886 Email : cuttabarqhstud @ bigpond . com
Carol Ricketts DEPUTY PRESIDENT Portfolio : Investigative Officer 120 / 2 Keem Street TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 Phone : 0427 333 480 Email : carolfayericketts @ gmail . com
Shane Massingham VICE PRESIDENT Portfolio : Affiliates 810 Ingoldsby Road INGOLDSBY QLD 4343 Phone : 0407 083 579 Email : aqhadir3 @ aqha . com . au
Peter Bellden TREASURER 1113 Peachester Road PEACHESTER QLD 4519 Phone : 0418 731 015 Email : aqhadir8 @ aqha . com . au
Patricia Wettenhall Portfolio : Amateur , Studbook 295 Douthie Road SEVILLE EAST VIC 3139 Phone : 0418 567 180 Email : aqhadir1 @ aqha . com . au
Paul Lorimer Portfolio : Show & Performance Horsemans Trading Post 2 / 3257 Logan Road UNDERWOOD QLD 4119 Phone : 0412 740 065 Email : aqhadir9 @ aqha . com . au
Ricky Glen Portfolio : Cattle & Time Events , Hall of Fame P O Box 3225 ROBERTSON NSW 2577 Phone : 0407 440 937 Email : cutterone @ bigpond . com
Joanne Gregory Portfolio : Judging 48 Glenmore Ridge Drive GLENMORE PARK NSW 2745 Phone : 0437 703 353 Email : aqhadir2 @ aqha . com . au
Liz Keating Portfolio : Traditional , Youth 1410 Byrneside Gillieston Road UNDERA VIC 3629 Phone : 0418 354 917 Email : aqhadir10 @ aqha . com . au
Kyle Mobberley Portfolio : Professional Horsemen , National Show 115 Crawford Road BYRNESIDE VIC 3617 Phone : 04387 306 121 Email : aqhadir4 @ aqha . com . au
Kylie Barnett Springvale Nundle Road NEMINGHA NSW 2340 Phone : 0400 602 241 Email : aqhadir6 @ aqha . com . au
Kane Skopp 85-103 Haigsley Malabar Road HAIGSLEA QLD 4306 Email : aqhadir4 @ aqha . com . au
COPYRIGHT NOTICE : Australian Quarter Horse Association 2006 . This publication is protected by copyright . Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 , no part of the publication may be reproduced in any form with out the prior permission of the AQHA or , in the case of material prepared by contributors , the permission of the thirdparty contributor authors . Reproduction of this publication in whole or part , without the permission of the copyright owner is prohibited . Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction must be directed to the General Manager . Publication Disclaimer : The views expressed in the articles and other material contained in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the AQHA or it ’ s staff . The AQHA does not accept responsibility for the contents of advertisements and other material contained in the publication prepared by the third parties . Any inquiries should be addressed to the authors of those works . The AQHA and its staff expressly disclaim liability for the consequences of any use made of the information contained in this publication by any person , or for any consequence arising from any errors or omissions contained in the publication .
PUBLICATION CONDITIONS : Whilst every care is taken to reproduce accurately any editorial and or advertisement provided to the AQHA for publication in this or any other publication the AQHA may publish , the AQHA or its staff at no time accept responsibility for any errors or omissions . The AQHA and its staff expressly reserve the right to edit any contribution to this or any other publication so that it may suit the style , format and or available space in the publication . Should any advertiser place advertisement / sin consecutive issues of this or any other publication published by the AQHA and fails to supply the required copy by the set deadline , it is understood and agreed that the last copy will be repeated .