If an affiliate has access to cattle the AQHA recommends the
running of at least one of the following cattle classes:
5. Ranch Cutting (see Rule 102.5)
• This class is very similar to Cutting Class in that the objective
is to cut a cow (depending on which division) by separating
them from the herd and holding them with assistance of turn
back riders and herd holders.
• There are some significant differences
All Age Horse competitors will cut 2 cows and work time will be
maximum of 2 minutes.
Amateur Competitors will cut 2 cows and work time will be
maximum of 2 minutes.
Youth cut 1-2 cows and work time will be maximum of 1 ½”
• Horses will not be penalised for reining during the cutting
portion but should still display natural ability.
6. Ranch Cow Work (see Rule 102.6)
• A good Ranch Horse needs to be able to work stock. This class is
designed to measure the horse’s ability to work cattle.
• This class consists of 3 sections – Boxing, Fence Work and
Roping or circling the Cow. All competitors are given a time
allowance of 3 minutes to work the cow.
Boxing - One cow is released when competitor is in position
in front of gate and the competitor must demonstrate his horses
ability to hold the cow at the end of the arena.
Fence Work - Once the competitor has held the cow at the end
of the arena, the rider should move the cow down the fence and
turn it least once in both directions before the cow reaches the
end of the arena.
Roping or Circling - An Amateur or Youth Competitor has the
choice of either circling the cow in the middle of the arena in
both directions or roping the cow and bringing it to a stop in
the centre of the arena. If the competitor fails to catch the cow
they will still be given a score based on their attempt.
An All Age competitor must attempt to rope the cow rather than
having a choice between roping or circling.
7. Limited Ranch Cow Work for Amateurs and Youth (see Rule 102.7)
• Exhibitors in this class cannot compete in Ranch Cow Work at
the same show with the same horse.
• The time allowance in this class is 1min 45 seconds.
• The Class consists of three sections
Boxing- One cow is released when competitor is in position in
front of gate and the competitor must demonstrate his horses
ability to hold the cow at the end of the arena.
Set up cow and Drive Down Fence to opposite end of arena –
once the competitor has boxed the cow the rider will bring the
cow out of the corner of the arena and take it down between ½
to ¾ of the arena wall and the release the cow.
Boxing the cow at the opposite end of the arena – the competi-
tor once again must demonstrate their ability to hold the cow at
the end of the arena until time is called.
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