Goulburn Valley Reining Horse Association
The Goulburn Valley Reining Horse
Association hosted its 2017 Reining
Australia Youth Camp two weeks
ago and was a huge success! The
weekend, which was held at the
GVRHA base at Tatura, saw 25
participants ranging from ages
8 to 18, enjoy a range of Reining
activities, with the primary aim of
having fun definitely achieved.
There were smiles all round on
children, parents and even the
horses! Participants spent time
in groups focusing on various
reining maneuvers including, stops,
rollbacks, circles, lead departures
and learning how patterns are
scored. Saturday evening was lots
of fun with the kids, and some big
kids, playing various games with our
youth ambassador Mikki Smith, and
enjoying a delicious barbeque.
The Reining community always
comes together in support of
the Youth Camp and this was
again demonstrated by the many
volunteers and sponsors. The club
would like to especially thank
trainers Chelsea Ragg, Mick Taylor,
Donna Saddler, Katherine Kelderman
and our judges Pam Spokes and
Debra Versluis who offered their time
and invaluable expertise for free.
The Youth Camp is offered free
each year for the Youth with the
hope to get more people involved in
the growing equestrian pursuit of
reining. GVRHA is always looking
for new members young and old,
so if you’re interested please check
out our website www.gvrha.com
or contact Pam Spokes for more
November • December • 2017 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • Page 35