AQHA Magazine May / June 2018 AQHA_May_June_2018_WEBSITE | Page 9
Amateur Committee
Leonie Gorski
0409 903 133
Email: [email protected]
Hi Fellow Amateur Team Members
I would like to thank the hard working
Carol Elliott (Vic)
Rebecca Fatchen (SA)
Yasmin Lee-Steere (Vic)
Carla Cox (NSW)
Carol Ahern and
Jodi Jakubenko (QLD)
The Committee are all volunteers
(strapped for time), but still managing
to organise, assist and communicate
with the Amateur Division.
On behalf of all Amateurs, thank you
Committee for all your dedication and
hard work.
International Clinicians
Many Amateurs and Trainers have
attended Clinics run by acclaimed
International Clinicians. Riders
and fence sitters gained valuable
information and training tips for their
individual horses. It was fantastic
to see our wonderful and talented
Australian Trainers attending Clinics,
thus reinforcing information to us at a
later date.
So much to absorb in such a short
amount of time.
We should never stop learning and
trying to improve our performances.
The person that believes that they
cannot learn from another Instructor
is the person that needs the
instruction the most.
SA State Show Teams Challenge
Left: Carol Elliott
Right: Joanne Stock
Absent from the
photo is Jess Starkie.
Vic State Show Teams Challenge
Left to Right: Leonie
Gorski, Beck Nixon,
Lyndall Dauth and
Judge – Brent Tincher.
My Team definitely had to carry me,
but I was encouraging, enthusiastic,
supportive, but lacking talent!!!
New Record – 14 teams entered, 42
Amateurs were part of the fun!!!
The Amateur Division Teams
Challenge is a great way to meet new
people, it gives you a reason to chat
to Amateurs that you do not know or
are outside your friendship group.
Vice President
Carol Elliott
0419 911 273
[email protected]
Yasmin Lee-Steere
Mobile: 0419 992 599
Email:[email protected]
Kristee Muscat
0418 366 090
[email protected]
Jodi Jakubenko
Mobile: 0401 292 843
[email protected]
Carol Ahern
Mobile: 0419 879 105
[email protected]
Every Amateur should be in the
Teams Challenge at the State Shows
and the National Championships
Amateur encompasses Amateur,
Select Amateur and Novice Amateur.
Upcoming Amateur Team Challenges
Let’s make sure every Amateur
(Amateur, Select & Novice) is in a
My Grandmother always said, “If you
learn one thing a day, then it is a good
day”. It is fun and the worst thing that can
happen, is that you may not win, but
you will make new friends.
Amateur Division Teams Challenge
results: *18th-20th May NSW State Show
*3rd-6th July QLD State Show
Finally, thank you to the Amateur
Division Committee for their hard
work and dedication. Onwards and
Leonie Gorski
Youth Committee
Amber Denton
Vice President
Rachell Robinson
Mikayla Gaunt
Charlotte Mansley,
Chris Holmes
Sharnte Wilson,
Chevonne Day,
Elizabeth Hobbs-Daly
Western Australia
Michaela Wastell
New South Wales
Holly Gutterson
May • June • 2018 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • Page 9