Judges : AmQHA - Sandy Jirkovsky and Andrea Simmons
Hack - Shaun Pascoe Western Dressage – Steven Thake
Dressage - Muriel Plater Photographer - Tania Hobbs
The AQHA celebrated 40 years of National Shows with Q18 on the 5-15th of April 2018 , at AELEC Tamworth , NSW . A great milestone ! The AmQHA Judges were Sandy Jirkovsky and Andrea Simmons , with Judges : Hack - Shaun Pascoe , Western Dressage – Steven Thake and Dressage - Muriel Plater . The Show Manager , Tamra Clark , was well supported by the 12 strong Show Team to make it a free flowing , enjoyable show for contestants and spectators alike .
With over 370 Quarter Horses entered in over 266 classes during the show , and over 800 entries in Pre Show and 1100 National entries , the warm weather made for comfortable showing . Campdrafting proved popular , with over 220 entries in the Cutting saw over 110 entrants . There were Trader ’ s stands to visit and make your selection from , which made the atmosphere very conducive .
The Halter events showed prime horseflesh at its best , with Grand
1 Youth Hack
Champion Colt / Stallion going to GFM Allovait Boss Q-83258 with Glen Maynard and Reserve to JVQ Copyright Q-83416 with Craig Wilson . BM Subtley Q-75560 was the Grand Champion Mare with Samantha Daley and OVS Kid With Style Q-78385 and Mavis Marshall taking the Reserve position .
Thereisa Witheridge took out the Grand Champion Gelding and Amateur Gelding with Elusive Skip Q-78520 , while Kellie Thompson took the Reserve Gelding with Yella Oak Q-61683 . Karen Daley took the Reserve Amateur Gelding with Veloci Te Q-59763 .
The Youth Halter Gelding Grand Champion went to Amelia Galea and Elusive Skip Q-78520 and Reserve to Syerra Daley and Veloci Te Q-59763 .
The performance events were well contested and congratulations go to the High Point winners .
2 Hack not exceeding 15hh
Q18 HIGH POINT AWARD WINNERS : - Non Traditional : Hustler SP - A1-11550 - Olivia Palfreyman 2 Year Old : Im So Fancee Q-83648 - Tiffany Walter 3 Year Old : A Ranged Investment Q-81302 - Theresa Zelenak Junior Horse : Lazy Jetsetter Q-78747 - Elizabeth Ivankovich Senior Horse : Triandibo Flamin Lynx Q-47904 - Liz Christian RWD : Sandy Hollier Amateur Junior Horse : Tiffany Walter Amateur Senior Horse : Liz Christian Select Amateur : Carol Elliott Youth 5 -11 yrs : Sienna Humphries Youth 12 -14 yrs : Holly Gutterson Youth 15 -18yrs : Amber Denton
A big thank you goes to the great sponsors and supporters of the show . This event wouldn ’ t have been possible without you . It is very much appreciated !
3 Hack over 15hh
1 LITTLE ROCK LORD LAZY , Q-75520 , Holly Gutterson
Mikayla Gaunt 3 SO GOOD TO BE COOL , Q-61834 , Brianna Miller 4 HL THEODORE , A1-9904 , Charlotte Mansley 5 HUSTLER SP , A1-11550 , Olivia Palfreyman 6 DENIMS THE MENACE , Q-39003 , Lacey Lalor 7 CATWALK MISCHIEF JACK , Q-47451 ,
Charley Lalor 8 WP CLOVER LENA , A2-1837 , Maddison Allen 9 DUN MISS BEHAVING , Q-55962 , Alexis Gifford 10 RRD SOMETHIN TO SHINE , Q-64682 ,
Amber Denton 10 in class
1 SMOKIN DUAL BADGER , Q-70523 , Callie Bailey 2 RRD SOMETHIN TO SHINE , Q-64682 ,
Amber Denton 3 CATWALK MISCHIEF JACK , Q-47451 ,
Charley Lalor 3 in class
1 TIGERS SWEET INVITE , Q-80087 , Stephanie Watson
Mikayla Gaunt 3 IRONOUTATEN , Q-77946 , Raelene Gilboy 4 HL THEODORE , A1-9904 , Janet Mansley 5 YELLA OAK , Q-61683 , Kellie Thompson 6 TOUCH SOMETHIN HOT , Q-79971 ,
Tracey Crittenden 6 in class
Photos can be ordered from www . taniahobbsphotography . smugmug . com
Page 12 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • May • June • 2018