PG . 27
The size and number of muscle fibres that a horse can build depends on the availability of various protein - not energy , oats or grain …. they are fuel and they don ’ t build muscle , speed , strength or stamina . It is the muscles that provide the horse-power . Certainly they need fuelling , but more fuel doesn ’ t make more muscle . Think about your home – the electricity provides the energy and fuel , but it doesn ’ t build a house – for that we need a strong foundation , frame , bricks and mortar . A horses frame , foundation and body are built from different proteins ( plus vitamins and minerals ) – not energy .
To appreciate how much the high performance horse depends on receiving the correct proteins in the diet , is to be aware of how dynamic the equine system is . Every second the bone marrow makes millions of red blood cells ; every four days the blood platelets and most of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract are replaced ; every 10 days , most of the white blood cells are replaced and the number of muscle cells repaired or created in horses that are training , performing and competing is huge . In addition , necessary for muscle growth and repair , strong tendons , optimal energy metabolism , increasing bone density , joint health , hoof wall thickness and greater overall soundness is the interaction of proteins with vitamins and minerals .
Each tissue in the body has its own specific protein needs . The blood is like a conveyor belt or transport system , bringing to the tissues the nutrients from the feed . The tissues select which ones they need to create , repair and build their cells and structure . If the blood runs out of the proteins a particular tissue needs , the production of new cells stops . Similar