AQHA Magazine July/August 2018 July_August_2018_WEBSITE | Page 8

Ricky Glen

Dear Members ,
Over the last couple of months some outstanding competitions have been held and again show the versatility and the ability of the Australian Quarter Horse in these events .
The Williga Park Campdraft held in May saw the highest prize money paid to a winner of a Campdraft in Australia in the history of the sport . Over $ 225,000 was paid out at this event and it saw the leading Campdraft horses and riders competing from all over Australia .
The feature event was the Gold Buckle Campdraft and it saw the great mare , Rodann Roanies Chex Q-37235 ( aka Paris ), take the Championship and pick up the winner ’ s purse of $ 100,000 . The final of the Gold Buckle was heavily dominated with Quarter Horses and it shows how much our breed is prominent in Campdraft events Australia wide . The Cut Out Feature was won by Roc CD Q-65518 ridden by Scott Bandy , picking up over $ 11,000 for his effort . Again , Quarter Horses featured very strongly in this Cut Out Event .
The following week saw another Campdraft , this time in Warwick in Qld , pay out over $ 135,000 to the winners and place getters of this event .
The next big event was the NCHA Futurity where the AQHA has entered into a partnership with the NCHA to sponsor the NCHA Open Derby .
The Open Derby was won by Beccys Merada , ridden by Phil Dawson and owned by Cutting Edge Quarter Horses . There was a $ 5,000 incentive also offered for the Open Derby with $ 2500 to the breeder and $ 2500 for the owner . This was payable to the highest placing registered Quarter Horse in a financial membership in this event , which was to the connections of EB S Icandothat Q-83061 .
The AQHA has over $ 40,000 in incentives paid out each year in Campdraft , Challenge , Barrel Races , Roping and other cattle or timed related events . To be eligible for these incentives on offer you must be a financial member of the AQHA and your horse must be a registered Quarter Horse . If you have a horse pending or not registered , please get the rego finalised so you can compete for these incentives .
Don ’ t forget to send in your points to the AQHA office so you are eligible for AQHA End of Year Awards , Register Of Merit and Superior Awards and on top of this , these points will also go to the Leading sire awards and with the numbers in the above events , you could make a huge difference in the AQHA Leading Sire Awards .
If you have a question regarding my portfolio or AQHA related , please contact me . My details are available on the AQHA web site .
Until then , enjoy the ride and the breed , Ricky Glen
8 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • July • August • 2018
Kim Johnson Portfolio : President , International , AmQHA Oceania Director Cuttabar Quarter Horses , Silver Valley , 278 Jeffries Road , LOCKSLEY VIC 3665 Mobile : 0427 667 886 Email : AQHADir5 @ aqha . com . au
John Steel Portfolio : Deputy President , Investigative Officer , Affiliates 1369 Hawkers Road , WAAIA VIC 3637 Mobile : 0488 687 014 Email : AQHADir8 @ aqha . com . au
Paul Lorimer Portfolio : Vice President , Show & Performance Horsemans Trading Post , 481 Underwood Road , ROCHEDALE SOUTH QLD 4123 Phone : 07 3341 5220 Work , 07 5540 3750 Home Mobile : 0412 740 065 Email : AQHADir9 @ aqha . com . au
Trish Wettenhall Portfolio : Treasurer 295 Douthie Road , SEVILLE EAST VIC 3139 Phone : 03 5964 8316 Home Mobile : 0418 567 180 Email : AQHADir1 @ aqha . com . au
Kate Elliott Portfolio : Amateur Division BreakODay Quarter Horses , 15 Walls Rd , GLENBURN VIC 3717 Mobile : 0418 334 582 Email : AQHADir3 @ aqha . com . au
Ricky Glen Portfolio : Cattle & Timed Events , Hall of Fame 103 Wattle Rd , SERPENTINE WA 6125 Mobile : 0407 440 937 Email : AQHADir7 @ aqha . com . au
Joanne Gregory Portfolio : Judging 48 Glenmore Ridge Dr , GLENMORE PARK NSW 2745 Mobile : 0437 703 353 Email : AQHADir2 @ aqha . com . au
Craig Rath Portfolio : Youth 10 Baldwin Road , TATURA VIC 3616 Mobile : 0427 059 863 Email : AQHADir6 @ aqha . com . au
Lorelei Payne Portfolio : Non Traditional 1029 Landsborough Maleny Rd , MALENY QLD 4552 Phone : 07 5494 2354 Home Mobile : 0412 277 712 Email : AQHADir12 @ aqha . com . au
Kyle Mobberley Portfolio : Professional Horsemen , National Show Convener 115 Crawford Rd , BYRNESIDE VIC 3617 Phone : 03 5854 8363 Home Mobile : 0438 306 121 Email : AQHADir4 @ aqha . com . au
Carol Ricketts Portfolio : Studbook 120 / 2 Keem Street , TRINITY BEACH QLD 4879 Mobile : 0427 333 480 Email : AQHADir11 @ aqha . com . au
Nicole Johnston Director 409 North Deep Creek Road , GYMPIE QLD 4570 Mobile : 0419 723 391 Email : AQHADir10aqha . com . au