AQHA Magazine January / February 2022 | Page 37

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1 to 2 cups of water and then 1 cup of molasses , maple syrup , or applesauce . Mix well and divide into 24 cookies . Cook at 175 ° C for 25 to 30 minutes . Each cookie has around 25g of electrolytes . Electrolytes do not necessarily have to be replaced by oral dosing in the same amount as they are lost as daily intake helps . Calcium and magnesium intakes should be doubled in hot weather .
Providing water alone to a horse with electrolyte imbalances will only further dehydrate your horse . However , adding salt to drinking water should be done sensibly and with great care . Trials have found that horses have an abrupt 15- 50 % reduction in water intake and 25 % drop in feed intake when provided with too-salty water . Recommendations are to limit salt addition to 30g ( 1 tablespoon ) per 5 litres of water and make sure fresh water is freely available .
Dehydration of 2-3 % can cause a 10 % reduction in exercise capacity and performance . Free access to water and careful administration of good quality electrolytes before and during moderate to intense work can increase the time it takes for a horse to fatigue by nearly 23 %; that means a horse can work for 23 % longer before getting tired .
Regardless of the type of work , electrolyte losses should always be replaced soon after exercise . If not done , it can take up to 3 days for the horse to obtain enough salt from the daily feed to replenish its levels and the horse looks ‘ tucked up ’ because of dehydration . Water intake for a 500kg horse is 25-30 litres a day . When rehydrating they may drink upwards of 50 litres a day – but if this is accompanied by excess urination , then you ’ re probably feeding too much salt .
DISCLAIMER : © Jenquine December 2021 All content provided in this editorial is for general use and information only and does not constitute advice or a veterinary opinion . It is not intended as specific medical advice or opinion and should not be relied on in place of consultation with your equine veterinarian .

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