Hi Fellow Team Members
We are very proud of our Amateur Division Logo . This will ensure our members can identify any letters , surveys and general communications we send .
First of all , I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year . I put in a big effort the week before Christmas , so was on the ‘ Good ’ Santa list . This plan has worked for me every year . Trying to be good all year is ‘ unrealistic ’ for me and I had backed up my strategy plan with a memo I sent to the big fella ( Santa ) a couple of years ago . Also we have Mrs Claus on our side , because she has to live with Santa , and we all know how our partners can be …….. ( so wonderful ). Children cannot use this ploy , as they have the advantage of using the ‘ cute and naive ’ playing card .
The Tasmanian Amateur Clinic was held on the 1st October 2016 . They had four very brave riders , as the weather conditions were cold , freezing , raining and cold !!! Our Clinician , Liz Keating , was her usual informative , happy and knowledgeable self , regardless of the extremities . Thank you Liz Keating for teaching our Tasmanian members .
We are running the following Clinics in January . A big thank you to Kate Elliott our Clinician , for finding time to be our instructor at both Clinics .
Western Australia has a free Clinic on the 14th and 15th of January 2017 at Foxwood Farm , Wattle Grove . The AQHA Amateur Division is subsidising one day and the West Australian Quarter Horse Association is subsidising the other day .
South Australia and Northern Territory ’ s Clinics are being held on Thursday , 26th of January , 2017 at Mallala Equestrian Centre .
I am looking forward to receiving a report on each Clinic with photos !!!
The Amateur Division used the ‘ Survey Monkey ’ as a form of communication . This allows us to register our member ’ s acceptance to attend the Clinics in the order they were returned . Every member ( with a valid email address ) from these states was sent an invitation to attend the Clinics at the same time , this ensures equity for all . A waiting list was also generated , so any vacancies could be filled at a later date . Information flyers were placed on the AQHA Facebook page and the Amateur Division page on the AQHA website for each clinic .
Members who did not tick that their information could be shared on their AQHA renewal form could not be contacted . Hopefully they will check the AQHA Facebook page or hear about the Clinics from their peers and colleagues .
Looking forward to 2017 , catching up with friends at Shows , Clinics and Meetings .
Finally , thank you to the Amateur Division Committee for their hard work and dedication . Onwards and upwards !!
Cheers Leonie Gorski 2016 / 2017 Amateur Division President
January • February February • 2017 2017 • The The Australian Australian Quarter Quarter Horse Horse Magazine Magazine • Page Page 11 11