AQHA Magazine AQHA Nov-Dec 2023 L | Page 9

PG . 7
Dear Members ,
It was very humbling for me to be nominated and elected as the new AQHA President for 2023 / 24 .
I would like to thank the board in their confidence in myself to do this and would like to thank our out-going president , Carol Rikkets for her outstanding job in the past years as president and it was a blow to loose her off the AQHA board .
I would also like to thank Kim Johnson for her dedication to the AQHA and being a board member for many years and wish both her and Carol all the best .
Two new members have joined the board for 2023 / 24 and I would like to welcome Kate Elliot back on the board and also Dave Cavello .
Member feed back is important to me and I hope to maintain a transparency within the board so the membership is informed on matters we are looking at and pre planning for which I am sure will be well received by the membership as a whole .
The awards night was held in Sydney and it was a great success , congratulations to those who attended to receive there awards and also congratulations to all of the other winners and runner ups who could not make it on the night on a successful show season . Thanks must also go to the office for organising the event so well .
Those who attended the recent Judges seminar in Qld found this to be an outstanding event with many judges and interested members attending and the next one to be held in Victoria is being discussed by the board .
Congratulations to our Australian Youth World Cup team who were runners up over in Texas and did Australia proud , the next Trans Tasman event is in the planning stages now and further updates are forthcoming .
Q24 is well into planning stages with extra prizemoney being allocated to all events across the show as well as a major camp Draft and cutting program , stay tuned for updates on this .
If any members have questions about something , please direct general questions to the office and you can also speak to the director who holds the portfolio covering the events within were your question lies , for instance , anything to do with Cattle and Timed events you could call myself , anything to do with judges would go to Kate Elliot and of course a full list of directors with contact numbers are on the AQHA website .
In closing , the board are elected by the membership to steer the AQHA in the right direction and rest assured that each portfolio member takes his or hers portfolio very seriously and dedicates a lot of time and effort to ensure things are running for the betterment of the AQHA and I wish each board member well for the next 12 months .
With Thanks Ricky Glen