AQHA JAN-FEB 2025 AQHA JAN FEB 2025 | Page 23

PG . 21
Charmingly Layzee Q-99358 shown in Ranch Riding by Matt Freiberg for Gill Allen
Dan Mobberley and Triandibo Intriplechic Q-54460 in the All Age Youth Trail

With this in mind , the Nifty November show program was developed making sure the classes were inclusive and something for everyone .

Our first Nifty show ran in November 2023 and saw bumper entries with over 110 horses entered . Giving the committee reassurance that there was space in our show season for a fun , friendly , amateur and improver style of show , which was well supported by local and interstate competitors that boasted AA AA and $ 150 prize money on all classes .
With the program so well received , the committee made a few little changes to the 2024 program adding feature non-pro events . These were well supported with youth , amateur and novice all competing together .
This year the weather was warm , but the indoor and undercover outdoor arenas were kept well watered and groomed , with the bonus of the misting fans inside the main arena , along with complimentary cordial on ice for anyone and everyone in the marshalling area to keep hydrated .
All the classes were well supported with quality horses and riders which made for great a competition .
We want to thank our judges Glenn Wyse , and Connie Barry . John Steel our show manger , Emma Altas our every smiling show secretary , gate marshall Carolyn Allen , ring stewards Robyn Smith and Gina Rand , our photographer Ev Lagoon , announcer Ralph and Janice Dunn , ribbon runners , Kel Woolstencroft , Kristy and Dana Mobberley and Tracey Atkins .
Diane Rose who is our prizes / buckle / ribbon and everything in between coordinator and worker , Kyle