is missed. There, the awareness will be regained if one remains
in the satsang of the Gnani Purush.
Awareness (jagruti) is a different matter and Gnan
(experiential knowledge as the Self), is a different matter. To
awaken from sleep is called awareness. In awareness, kashayas
are dormant but when kashayas are annihilated, it is called
Gnan, anubhav. As the awareness increases, pending karmas
do not remain and there occurs complete purity within.
As long as there is deceit for pride within, it will not allow
awareness to surface. Deceit means to hide and to cover up and
it always takes one on the wrong path. Deceit and ego that
supports anger, pride, illusion and greed will take you on the
wrong path.
When deceit in any form does not remain, when no
thoughts of passion for sensual pleasures remains, and when the
kashayas are eradicated, then the awareness that arises will
result in ‘knowledge’ (gnan).
When one moves away from the shelter of the Gnani
Purush, kashayas will invade with all their family members.
These kashayas will try by any means to make one leave the
shelter of the Gnani Purush. If a slightest of sweetness is tasted,
the kashayas get their nourishment. If the kashayas are not
given any food at all, they will come to extinction. But they
become strong if they are fed!
The status of Gnani is achieved when there comes a level
of awareness that not a single kashaya ever gets any feeding;
such awareness is needed. Kashayas can be won over only if
one is subservient (aadhin) to the Gnani and remains under His
shelter and never leaves it.
Unless the Gnani Purush certifies you, don’t even attempt
to preach. All the faults within you are ready and waiting to
attack at a moments notice. When all the kashayas are