Some people say that they employ deceit and deception out of fear , but fear of what ? The one with the fault will have fear , is that not so ?
He who has the intense burning desire and craving for liberation will not be touched by any hindrances in the path of liberation .
‘ I know ’ is the biggest hindrance in the path of liberation ! It causes death of the Self . ‘ I know ’ brings on intoxication that is very difficult to remove ! The face of the one without the intoxication of ‘ I know ’ is attractive . The rising of the belief of ‘ I know ’ after Gnan is tremendous lack of awareness .
If one attempts to solve problems with the attitude of ‘ I know ’, it will only complicate matters further .
If sweetness prevails in ‘ I know ’, it will sprout . There , one should erase it quickly , as soon as it sprouts , pluck it out . Otherwise , this ailment will grow and it will ruin the awareness of the Self .
All the danger signals in the path to liberation should be known from the Gnani Purush . Then only , will the safe-side be maintained . Otherwise , there is no telling where the ‘ ship ’ will end up .
The law is : the one who wants to attain only liberation will always find the correct path .
8 . Awareness ( jagruti ) : Desire to be worshipped ( poojavani kaamna )
By matching our understanding with the Gnani ’ s understanding , we walk parallel to Him . If we don ’ t , there is no telling when the path to liberation will change direction . On the path to final liberation , not a single degree of an individual ’ s own understanding will work . One has been wandering around life after life because he has not attained the right understanding .