get rid of all my faults, I want to attain final liberation (moksha)
only,’ one can be free from deceit.
As long as any sweetness is experienced in worldly
interaction, the uninterrupted awareness as the Self cannot
prevail. Bitterness is not objectionable. With sweetness there will
be interruptions and dozing in the awareness of the Self.
Having met the Gnani Purush, one’s train for liberation is
on the main line to the final destination of liberation. But, if some
‘point-man’ comes across on the way, there is no guarantee of
staying on course. The whole track may change! The ‘point-
man’ talks in such a way, that you will not even know that the
track has been switched.
The seeker will realize that the track changed when the
Gnani Purush alerts him. Then, analyzing minutely, he will
recognize where the change started, what happened, who did it,
on what ground it happened and which intense insatiable greed
(lalacha) within led to this, and when easiness (nirakudata) left
and when did uneasiness (akudata) set in. All this has to be
known in the awareness (jagruti). The one whose worldly
interaction (vyavahar) becomes unsteady, will become shaky in
the Self (nischaya).
Progress is made when one is not swayed by anything that
has no relation with the goal of liberation. This prevents the
switching of the ‘tracks’, and ensures spiritual progress. Stick to
only the talk that liberates. Any talk that sways from this goal
and the right vision should not be allowed to enter the mind. The
Gnani is not so guileless (bhoda). He will not be distracted if
someone were to try to change the track.
Where there is deceit (kapat), there is guilelessness
(bhodpan). Believing anything negative about anyone to be true
is guilelessness. The remedy for this is to listen dramatically (to
pretend to listen earnestly while really listening only superficially),