It is very difficult to achieve the status of the smallest. It
is achieved by the one who has a constant awareness about the
line of demarcation between the real and the relative with the
help of Gnani Purush. He who remains within the Agnas
(spiritual directives) of the Gnani Purush can attain the status of
the smallest; his vision is towards the state of laghutam and the
goal is of only that, so he will become that.
What is the characteristic of being the smallest? One
should know that he has become the smallest when if he is sitting
in the car and is asked to get out of the car, is called back to
sit in the car, asked to get out again; if this happens nine times
over and each time he is not affected, then that is the sign of
becoming laghutam.
‘To remain in the intent of becoming the smallest; to have
laghutam bhaav and to keep the vision of oneness (abheda
drashti) is the foundation of Akram Vignan.’
The worldly life has been created from the ego of being
the biggest, and with the ego of becoming the smallest it comes
to an end.
The race in the race-course starts when one enters the
race to become number one. In the intent to come last, there is
no race.
While running the race to become number one, everyone
dies panting while the prize is awarded only to one.
Criticism (teeka) and competitiveness (spardha) are
some of the manifestation of the ego. Everyone is undergoing the
effects of their own karma, how can anyone be criticized? To
criticize means to ruin your own self.
The one with the ego of having skills and the know-how
will get exhausted in this worldly race. Instead, one can sit on