Aptavani-9 Aptavani-9 | Page 19

simply ‘seeing’ the relative self (prakruti) that is caught in emotional agitation. However, because of ignorance he takes it upon himself by claiming, ‘I am caught in this emotional agitation.’ And as a consequence he actually becomes trapped! What causes emotional agitation? It is the intellect (buddhi). It is the intellect that brings one from vega towards aavega and ultimately towards udvega, meaning it is the intellect that takes one from non-consequential motion or a neutral state (vega), into emotional force (aavega) and ultimately emotional agitation (udvega) and it is the intellect that gives rise to suspicions (shanka). When the power of intellect does not bring about a solution, one gets puzzled and then suspicions are created. Suspicion means one has deep ignorance. In Akram Vignan, in order to save one’s self from the ravages of suspicion, by understanding the scientific knowledge of vyavasthit (this is the subtle coming together and functioning of ‘scientific circumstantial evidences’ in all actions), as given in the form of Agna (spiritual directives) by the Gnani Purush, one can remain in a steady suspicion-less state (nihshank). If suspicion enters into the mind as a result of seeing a snake entering the house; that suspicion will not go away until the snake is seen leaving the house. Suspicion will not be born at all if the knowledge of ‘scientific circumstantial evidence’ (vyavasthit) is understood. The Vignan (science) that has manifested through the divine words of the Gnani is the extract of his analysis of his experiences of countless past lives. The original knowledge of freedom attained as a result of going through every phase of numerous innate natures (prakrutis), is the research of the Gnani Purush! Many incidents occur in the lives of men, wherein they 18