If someone is upset and non-communicative ( risavu ) with the Gnani Purush , how does the Gnani Purush deal with him ? Only the Gnani can explain the state of absolute detachment ( vitaragata )! The excellence of the manifest Gnani Purush is in His unattached state , along with his nishkaran karuna ( Gnani ’ s compassion for us in which He has no ‘ personal gain ’ or agenda . This is the only ‘ reason ’ and ‘ purpose ’ of the Gnani ’ s compassion is to take us to our Ultimate Freedom , or Moksha ). As a result , we become free of faults and become steady on the path of liberation and attain the bliss of the Self .
In the advancing stages of obstinacies , one becomes upset and non-communicative ( risavu ) and then if things don ’ t happen as per his intentions , he will resort to manipulative tantrums ( tragu ).
The characteristics of a tragu is where one will create a commotion like banging his or her head , crying out loud and resorting to any means possible in order to put others in his or her own grip . So much so that it scares people into submitting under the control of the one doing a tragu ! With such people , explaining everything to them and reasoning with them can achieve a resolution , but otherwise it is best to walk away from them .
It is an art to do a tragu ( manipulative tantrum ). Tremendous energies are wasted in doing one . One incurs tremendous loss and as a result , risks bypassing the animal kingdom altogether and takes birth straight in hell .
Dadashri , the Akram Vignani shows us ways to be saved from manipulative tantrums . He opens up the vision to get freedom from all kinds of deformed personalities by looking at them and experiencing them from all the phases ; so that we too , in our own lives can open up and develop that vision and make ourselves free from our obstinacies ( aadayee ), adamancy towards non-communication ( risavu ), and tragu ( manipulative