Aptavani-9 Aptavani-9 | Page 12

The Gnanis have said that bondage and obstruction on the path of liberation is because of kashayas (anger, pride, deceit and greed). Being absolutely rid of these faults one attains final liberation. All faults within a person are encompassed in anger, pride, deceit and greed, but how do these faults unfold and manifest in worldly interactions? This can only be understood when The Gnani Purush explains them to us in detail. Gnani Purush is perfect light, and in his manifest illumination, it is inevitable that, in order to break free from all one’s mistakes, one must review and confess all the mistakes (alochana) to the Gnani Purush. The Gnani Purush, by direct interaction with the seeker can erase all his inner mistakes. Whenever one has suffered from pain, has experienced difficulties, uneasiness or lack of spiritual experience, or has troubling attachments, and he does detailed alochana to the Gnani Purush, the Gnani will show him the light. And in that light, he can see all his mistakes, and find a way to get rid of them. The main issue is that these mistakes or faults have remained in the form of ‘tubers’. These tubers are always buried ‘underground’ (they remain hidden within). Under the right circumstances, when these tubers get ‘water’, they germinate and sprout into branches and leaves, and from that, one can discover which kind of tuber he has; he can discover what ‘disease’ lies within him. Unless the nature of the mistakes is identified, the mistakes continue to get support and nourishment. By coming to the satsang of the Gnani Purush, by repeatedly listening to his speech, and by repeatedly understanding his interaction with specific questioners, the seeker develops awareness and gets the strength to identify and visualize his own mistakes and faults. After that, he gains awareness to weed out the sprouts and by effectively practicing this; he can completely eradicate the tuber. However, this process has to be carried out under the guidance and instructions (Agnas) from the Gnani Purush 11