Aptavani-8 Aptavani-8 | Page 46

With the Atma... Here, a Guarantee of Just One More Life! Illusion Is the Cause of Birth and Death Forces of Discharge Cause Charging in Ignorance Causes Result in the Cycles of Birth and Death The Gnani Destroys the Cycle of Birth and Death Five Senses Only for One More Life! How Long Does the Relationship With the Subtle Body Last? Who Is Stuck onto Whom? The Atma Is Pure; Only the Belief Is Wrong How Can There Be a Coming and Going for That Which Is Eternal? The First in the World…? Who Will Remove the Tangled Belief in Circumstances? That Is Why Gnanis Call It ‘No Beginning, No End’! How Can There Be a Beginning for the Eternal? The Integrity of Arrangement of the Worldly Life Forms The Puzzle of the Creation and Dissolution of the World That Creation Is Itself Science The Elements With Form Are Visible in This Universe It Is the Same, Whenever You Look at It... From the State of No Beginning With an End to a Beginning of Eternity Changing of Circumstances Is the Nature of the World Nature’s Mysterious Planning Ultimately the Solution Will Come Through the Gnani Moksha Is Certain: the Time for Moksha Is Not Bringing an End to the Ego, The Vitarag Way Regularity After Self-Realization It Is One’s Nature to Ascend Higher, but When? Downwards Because of the Ego From Human to Lower Life-Form Thereafter It Goes to Moksha To Wander from Realm to Realm Is Nature’s Law 45 39 39 40 42 43 44 46 46 49 51 53 54 56 59 60 61 64 66 67 68 69 70 72 78 80 82 84 85 86 87 91 93