Part One
What is the Soul? What is it like?
Not being able to comprehend the subtlest and the most
profound element in the universe, which is your own real form
(swaroop; the Self); what You are yourself, thinkers are
confounded by endless thoughts like: The Atma is like this, or
is it like that? Is it in the form of light? And what would its
illumination be like! The true Vision (darshan), that transcends
imagination, the one that only the Gnani Purush has envisaged,
can only be attained through him. For those who did not have
the opportunity to meet him in person, this particular volume
contains his spoken Knowledge (Gnan vani), which shows the
real path, and leads one further and further along it.
The Self is truly who one is, and to know this is to know
the Atma. And that is what you need to know.
He that has Known, Seen, Experienced and permanently
lived in the swaroop (real form; the Self) of the Atma that is
beyond doubt and imagination of shape or form; has said that it
is beyond form (aakruti) and formlessness (niraakruti). The
Atma’s real form is independent (niralumb) and illuminating
(prakashak). It is not dependent on either time or place. That
is the kind of Atma the Gnani dwells in. He is separate, the
body is separate, and he interacts with the body as a neighbor.
No one, in the world is naastik (without existence). The
awareness of one’s astitva (existence); I am, is there. Everyone
with this awareness is aastik (with existence). The Atma has
existence (astitva); it has elemental reality (vastutva) and
completeness (purnatva). Every living being has awareness of
its existence (astitva); a rare person has the awareness of his
reality (vastutva), and completeness (purnatva) is the reward
of knowing one’s own real Self. Only the Knower of separation