Aptavani-5 Aptavani-05 | Page 30

The Gnani has very little charitra moha (illusory attachment in discharge) left. However, those under the shelter of the Gnani have to settle this karma. Charitra moha gets settled in proportion to the ‘files’ that get settled. Charitra moha can only be discharged with focused awareness as the Self (shuddha upayog)! Karma is not bound from doing any action; it is bound by the inner intent (bhaav)! A donation of five hundred thousand dollars does not result in the binding of merit karma but if at the time of giving, the meditation was that of, ‘I had to give it due to pressure from the society or else I would not give even five dollars’; then this charges a new karma. The effect of this karma will be that he will not be able to give even five dollars in his next life. On what basis does this meditation happen? It is based on one’s inner ‘development’. What is religion (dharma)? What is artha (material wealth, meaning)? What is sexual desire (kaam)? And what is liberation (moksha)? Swarth (selfishness) is generally referred to as worldly selfishness and the application of this meaning starts from selfishness at the worldly level all the way up to the ultimate level of selfishness about the Soul. Swarth (being selfish) for the Self is the ultimate meaning. Such a selfish one is the rare Atmagnani (the one with full knowledge of the Self). That which takes one towards worldly selfishness is sakaam (with expectation of worldly rewards), and that which takes one towards the ul timate meaning, the Self, is akaam (without doership). What is religion (dharma)? That which makes one wander life after life is auspicious religion (shubha dharma), pushing away that which is wrong and non-religious (adharma) is called auspicious religion (shubha dharma). And what takes one to moksha is pure religion (shuddha dharma). Giving donations, doing service, giving help to others, etc., bind credit 28