Aptavani-4 Aptavani-4 | Page 95

22 Aptavani-4 self. The whole world believes that they have awareness of what is beneficial and what is harmful for them, but that is not called the true awareness. Those who are caught up, day and night, in searching for ways to make money, regardless of the means, are doing so according to societal influence (loksangnya; Knowledge arising from association with the worldly people). They are completely preoccupied, day and night, with making money. Look, they have started businesses of working ‘under the table.’ How can there be black-marketing in India? Any action carried out in secrecy, will take one to a lower life-form. Anyone born in India has already brought with him some worldly awareness. When we combine this worldly awareness with the current time cycle of Kaliyug (current era of the time cycle characterized by lack of unity in mind, speech and conduct), people cannot become free from pain and misery. If this were Satyug (era of unity in mind, speech and acts) then people would become free from suffering. Young children have awareness only related with their toys. Similarly, people today have an awareness of the income tax and sales tax. Throughout their day they continue to have the awareness for money. Is this becoming for an Indian? If an Indian man were to attain complete awareness, he could make the entire world dance on his finger. But unfortunately, they covet money and sex. They covet that which is not rightfully theirs. But they do not realize that when they die, Nature confiscates the bank balances to their names. Confiscation by Nature, means that you are not even entitled to any ‘refund’. The government would at least give you some refund, if it were to confiscate your property. But this is Nature’s confiscation, so should you not do something about it? You may not understand anything about the Self, but at least do something for the next life (par-lok). Make sure that you do not do anything that will ruin the next life (par-lok). The current life is already ruined. There is nothing of any worth in it.