Aptavani-4 Aptavani-4 | Page 92

Aptavani-4 19 Should the awareness of ‘doership’ not be destroyed? One may say, “I am a pure Soul,” but nothing is gained by that. It is only when one’s awareness of ‘doership’ is destroyed and when one attains the awareness of who the real ‘doer’ is, that one can go forward. How can he otherwise? As long as ‘doership’ exists, there can be no spiritual (adhyatmik) awareness. Nobody will allow you to enter the gates of moksha until you are free from ‘doership’. The illusion of ‘I am Chandubhai’ and the awareness of ‘doership’ should be destroyed. Thereafter, the ‘doership’ remains “dramatic” (acted out as in a play). What is a ‘dramatic’ ‘doership’? One will say, “I did that,” just as the character that plays the role of King Bhartruhari in a drama says, “I am a King.” But while he is acting out his role, all along he does not forget that he is really Laxmichand, and that he has to go home later on and eat his dinner. Similarly, You do not forget that You are pure Soul (Shuddhatma). And when you say, “I did this,” it is considered being “dramatic” (staged as in a play). The awareness of ‘doership’ should be destroyed. People perpetually recite that they are pure Soul, do they not? As it is so written in the scriptures; nevertheless, even if one were to sing about being a pure Soul all day long, one will not accomplish anything. Besides, people have sang like this throughout their infinite past lifetimes. What Is Upayog? What Is Jagruti? Questioner: Please explain upayog and awakened awareness (jagruti). Dadashri: To focus Your awakened awareness on a particular place is considered upayog. To not let the awareness slip away from what has been decided, into something else like profit and loss, and to focus the awareness in one place, is called upayog. Wherever the awareness remains, is upayog, but it can be upayog of the good or of the bad (shubhashubha