world is in bhaavnindra. A person conducts business and goes
about his daily routine, and his preoccupation with making
money. He has lost his ‘sleep’ (he has awareness) when it comes
to making money, however for the rest of it, he is in
bhaavnindra (he has no awareness of the Self). That is why
one has not attained even an iota of religion. True religion will
not allow bhaavnindra to occur, even for a moment; not even
in one’s sleep. The world is such that one has all kinds of bhaav
(inner intent) that will arise within; however, in all that,
bhaavnindra must not arise. Dehanindra (physical sleep) is
pardonable; sleep is acceptable.
Questioner: Bhaavnindra does arise, Dada.
Dadashri: How can that be acceptable? You do not fall
asleep when a train is approaching. The train will bring a death
of one lifetime; whereas bhaavnindra will bring the death of
infinite lifetimes. This world is likely to bring about all kinds of
peculiar intents, but You have to understand what is Yours in all
that. If you are in bhaavnindra, then this world will latch on to
you. Whenever bhaavnindra occurs, do pratikraman there.
True Samadhi Through Awakened Awareness
Even writing the most profound religious sentences is
bhaavnindra. Some experience calmness of the body (deha
samadhi), but then they will remain stuck in the layers of the
mind. However, true samadhi (perfect equanimity) is one where
there is awareness of every kind; there is awareness of
everything happening through the mind, body and speech.
Questioner: Where is the bliss in the samadhi of the
Dadashri: That is mental quiescence. However, true
samadhi is one with complete awareness. An absolutely aware
person’s conduct is of the highest quality in the world. As one’s
jagruti (awakened awareness of the Self) increases, one