Aptavani-4 Aptavani-4 | Page 83

10 Aptavani-4 Bhaav Jagruti: Swabhav Jagruti Questioner: What is bhaav jagruti? Dadashri: Bhaav jagruti (awareness of intent through, ‘I am Chandubhai’) is applicable in the Kramic path (the traditional step-by-step path to liberation). In the Akram path, there is swabhav jagruti (awareness as the Self). Bhaav jagruti molds the prakruti (the relative self; the non- Self complex), and swabhav jagruti keeps the Self untainted and untouched by the prakruti. My Five Agnas (special directives given by the Gnani Purush that sustains the enlightened state after the Gnan Vidhi) keep You in the awareness of the Self (swabhav jagruti). I have removed your bhaav jagruti. The whole world is trapped in bhaavnindra; unaware of the Self. Questioner: So does bhaav jagruti sow the seeds of karma? Dadashri: Yes, of course. If you make a charitable donation with the bhaav of ‘I am Chandubhai,’ then you sow a seed of karma. But after you have attained the awareness of the Self, when you say, “I want to make a donation,” you will not be sowing any seed of karma, because now nirahamkari (without the ego). Not knowing one’s Self is called bhaavnindra. To know the Self is the vision of absolute independence (niralumb darshan). It is the knowledge of absolute independence (niralumb Gnan). The Beginning of the Awakened Awareness… First, awareness should come in the self, the pudgal. After one attains Self-realization, being asleep to the pudgal, leads to an increasing awareness as the Self (Atma jagruti). Are children likely to make a fuss over spilled milk? No. Why