external and internal. Although one cannot attain the knowledge
that is beyond the senses (atindriya), the sensory (indriya)
knowledge is still there, is it not? There are many scholars of
indriya-gnan, but there are no teachers or colleges for it.
What is the cause of anger, pride, deceit and greed?
What is the cause of matbhed? It is bhaavnindra. What
causes a person to become angry? It is bhaavnindra. What is
the cause behind someone’s greed? It is bhaavnindra.
Bhaavnindra will not allow one to grasp the message of
liberation (updesha). When we become angry, we learn a lesson
(updesha) from it: not to get angry over that incident again. But
despite this, when anger does occur again, it is bhaavnindra.
Getting angry, or becoming greedy is all unawareness
(ajagruti). The anger, pride, deceit and greed will decrease, as
the unawareness (ajagruti) decreases, and the awakened
awareness (jagruti) increases. Unawareness means that there is
no repentance after the anger occurs. A person who repents
after he becomes angry has a little awareness, but more
unawareness. If someone realizes after becoming angry, that it
was wrong, and then ‘washes’ it off with pratikraman
(apology), then that would be some degree of awareness. But
if one does not recognize one’s anger at all, it is a state of
unawareness. How can awareness be called awareness if it
gives rise to the weakness of anger? Anger should not arise in
any situation. Good awareness is one which pacifies anger. Real
awareness (jagruti) however, is one that wards off any
imminent anger. People do not have such awareness at all.
The one percent of awareness that remains in people at
this time, is only at the navel. There is only a state of
unawareness everywhere else. The open region at the navel
(ruchak pradesh) constitutes the only level of awareness that
human beings have. Otherwise, there is no awareness left
whatsoever. Awareness is gone completely. Awareness that