Kevalgnan, and yet it is nothing new. There is not a trace of
unawareness present. It is considered absolute awareness when
there is not even the slightest ‘dozing’ (unawareness of and as
the Self). People in general have the worldly awareness;
however, this awareness is not complete awareness.
Awareness of the World: Cause of Suffering
As a person’s awareness of the worldly life (sansar)
increases to its completion he will not like it all. He will find it
painful. He will see all the misery within it. It is after this, that
he makes an effort towards attaining the awareness of the Self.
As his worldly awareness grows, his material pleasures
become painful and worldly luxuries are deemed as entrapment.
The Emperor Bharat Chakravarti had thirteen hundred queens.
Although he had his own empires, he constantly found them to
be painful and miserable. A person who has reached the
pinnacle of worldly happiness, will also have increased
awareness of the worldly life. This very awareness will be
painful for him. He will then understand that he has to know
something new; something that will bring him permanent
Every living being is in search of happiness. As long as
one does not have the real happiness, one will continue to obtain
it from whatever awareness he has from the ‘relative’ pleasures
of the world. However, as worldly pleasure has duality, it will
always be followed by pain. The bliss of the Self, on the other
hand, is beyond duality. Real happiness is beyond duality; once
attained, this bliss never leaves. Real happiness will manifest as
the awareness of the Self increases. Such awareness arises after
one attains the knowledge of the Self (swaroop Gnan), upon
which the awareness of the world will continue to grow. But the
knowledge of the Self is the principle thing. When scientists talk
about awareness, they are primarily referring to the awareness
of the body complex (pudgal). They are clueless about