covered with illusory attachment ( murchhit – deluded ; unaware spiritually ). That which changes every second , cannot be the Self . That indeed is the bhaavak .
The level of knowledge one ( The Self — pramaata ) possesses is proportionate to the matter to be known ( gneya - projection - prameya ). As one ’ s prosperity and worldly intent grow , so do one ’ s projection and projector grow proportionately . The true projector ( pramaata ) is the One whose Atma illuminates the entire universe . This projection ( prameya ; gneya ) is for the whole universe ( lok ).
[ 37 ] The Energy of Action : The Energy of Intent
Only the energy of intention ( bhaav-shakti ) is within one ’ s control : the energy of action ( kriya-shakti ) is not .
Therein , too , it is not worth making intentions for anything other than those for attaining moksha . Whatever intentions are done , they are deposited into Nature , and Nature helps bring all the other circumstances together , to help one bring it into action ( effect ).
Intent is a very subtle thing that cannot be seen by anybody except the Gnani ! From intent is created a plan that gives results in the next life . Desire is a result : intent ( bhaav ) is the cause . When it is decided that , ‘ I do not want anything in this world ’; the intent is sealed . After one attains knowledge of the Self ( Atma ; the Soul ), the desires that arise are only in the form of effects .
There is a vast difference between thought and intent ( bhaav ). Without Gnan , intent is the only thing that cannot be truly understood . Thought is an effect . Intent is a cause . After a very long time , intent ( bhaav ) materializes into effect ( dravya ). Intent goes as input into ‘ the computer ’, and for it to materialize into results , all the other circumstances have to come together .