home. The world is a ‘farmer’s field’ to be ploughed; except
here, there are the horrible physical difficulties, obstacles, and
the complications of the interfering intellect (buddhi). And in our
own ‘home’, there is no vikalp (the belief of ‘I am Chandubhai’);
there is absolute bliss, and there is no ‘doership’!
The Self has always been free, and has never been bound.
Bondage seemingly appears because of illusion. By the grace of
the Gnani, this illusion is dispelled and the awareness of
liberation occurs!
Conviction On the Path to Moksha
To attain moksha:
What is the religion? Religion of the Self.
What is the attire? Any that you like.
What is the place? Place of the Vitarag (One who
is free from attachment-
In what state? In the state of Vitaragata!
In which sect? Where there is no partiality!
How to identify the
sadguru? One who is continuously the
Self; the ultimate guru! His
speech is unprecedented,
unparalleled and yet it leads
one to the experience of the
What is the conviction There the wandering Soul rests.
What is the characteristic
of moksha?
A state free of kashays (inner
enemies of anger, pride, deceit
and greed).