When one says, “I ‘see’ all the living beings in the universe
as Godly forms (Bhagwat swaroop)”, then it would also include
all the ‘relative’ religions of the world. The Self can be studied
(swadhyaya) once the Self is known. Whatever is done without
knowing the Self is the study of paradhyaya (study of the non-
It is considered as awakening to the Self, when that which
was believed to be the ‘Knower’ (Gnata) for an infinite period
of time, comes to be known as gneya (that which is to be
Liberation from ignorance of the Self is the religion of
moksha (moksha dharma). After liberation from ignorance, the
science (vignan) that arises is moksha!
The True Path of Worship
Until the God that sits resplendently within, is experienced
directly (pratyaksh darshan), the indirect (paroksh) prayer of
someone who sits in front of an idol, will reach the present God.
For that reason:
‘Oh Vitarag Lord! You reside within me, but I am unable
to experience that; therefore, I am doing Your darshan. The
Gnani Purush has taught me this, so I am doing the darshan
accordingly. Please grant me Your grace so that I may know
‘my’ own ‘Self’.’
~ Gnani Purush Dadashri
This is how the darshan should be done everywhere.
For the purpose of attaining God, whatever is done
through the five senses, is bhakti (worship). One can attain God
by doing direct worship (pratyaksh bhakti). With indirect
worship (paroksh bhakti), there is a gradual progress upwards.
Direct worship means to worship the one in whom God has
manifested fully. This will result in moksha.