that ‘It is fun to steal’ becomes instilled, one will begin to steal.
The action always changes as the knowledge changes! Without
changing the knowledge, the actions will never change, even
after millions of lifetimes!
For knowledge of ignorance (worldly knowledge), the
energies are easily facilitated by the pudgal (body or non-Self
complex). This energy is easily wasted in theft, violence and
carnal pleasure. However, for the attainment of Gnan (knowledge
of the Self), prayer and independent efforts are necessary!
Prayer means asking for the higher meaning of it all, and one can
ask for this from one’s own Self or from the Gnani. In the
‘ignorant’ stage (when one has not attained Self-realization), one
can pray to one’s guru, an image of God, or one’s favorite deity.
A true prayer, done by a person with a pure heart, will always
be successful.
Relative Religion: Spiritual Science
Where there is impartiality, there is the religion of the
Vitarag (one who is free from attachment and abhorrence). The
Vitarag religion is the religion of siddhants (irrefutable principles
that accomplish the ultimate). That which is experienced by the
senses, is “relative”. And the ‘relative’ has arisen only because
there is the Real! The ‘relative’ is in the form of situations
(avastha) and the ‘real’ is in the form of eternal elements
(tattva swaroop).
Relativity – Mudhatma; the state of the Soul in the
ignorance of the Self involved in religion or non-religion.
Reality – Gnanghan Atma (The Self with Knowledge;
antaratma; the interim soul that is awakened to the Self).
Absolute – Vignanghan Atma (The Soul with the
Knowledge of Science; the Parmatma – The Absolute Soul)
The essence of the world (jagatsaar) is the enjoyment of