aphorism to the world.
‘Dishonesty is the best foolishness’
- Dadashri
People have come to completely disregard old aphorisms
like, ‘Honesty is the best policy.’
Those who want to attain moksha will have to follow the
maxim of ‘no-law law’. Once one follows this maxim, he is said
to have become natural and spontaneous. Wherever people try
to gain control through enforcement of laws, people become
resentful towards the law and their prakruti springs back with
even a greater force and becomes uncontrollable, just liked a
compressed spring!
“One day, this world will have to remove all laws! We are
the first ones to start this ‘no law’ status. We will tell the
government ‘look, at our management where there is a ‘no-law
- Dadashri
Enforcing laws upon the mind spoils it and then its
behavior becomes spoiled. Laws bring forth results related to
restlessness and turmoil. The Self is natural and laws are the
chain that makes one unnatural.
What is true dharma dhyan (righteous or true
Is it doing worship, prayer, penance, samayik
(introspection), repentance and listening to religious talks? No.
All those are overt and tangible acts of rituals; they are material
practices. However, what is of importance and becomes
recorded as one’s karma is where one’s dhyan i.e. one’s
attention or inner intent lies while one is conducting such rituals.
While worshipping God, if one pictures God in his mind along
with the picture of his shop or his business or the shoes he left
outside the temple, how can that be called true meditation
(dharma dhyan)? The Lord does not take into consideration
your external actions but rather your inner attentive intent during