Ananddhanji Maharaj, admits his weaknesses. One can only be
called a Purush when he has conquered his anger, pride,
attachment and greed. But here the weaknesses of anger, pride,
attachment and greed have conquered man. He is weak.
I have become a Purush. I am with my independent effort
(purushartha) and its extraordinary energy. Astrology and
purusharth are contradictory. Astrology has some scientific
foundation. However, what people believe to be purusharth is an
illusion. People foolishly go running to an astrologer when they
suffer a loss. Why not do your purusharth instead? This false
purusharth is what sows the seeds of karma for your next life.
The Alembic chemical factory here employs so many
workers. It takes all these workers to manufacture just a few
chemicals. The human body is made up of hundreds of such
chemical factories and yet it runs on its own. When you go to
sleep after a meal, do you ever check to see how much and
how many digestive juices and enzymes are released for
digestion? How attentive are you in these matters? By the morning
when you wake up, the body has already assimilated the food
you ate. All the nutrients are absorbed in the blood; the waste
products are transported for excretion and everything is to be
found in its right place. Did you have to do anything in running
this process? So don’t you think that just as the inner mechanism
works naturally, the outer mechanism does too? Why do you
believe that you are the doer? Everything will continue to run on
it’s own. During sleep, the body is in its natural state. It is you
who is not in your natural state. You claim that you are breathing.
You say that you breathe shallow or deep. Who does the
breathing when you are in deep sleep? Respiration that takes
place at night is a natural process and that is what aids the
Every human being is nothing but a top (toy that spins).