APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 4/2013 Sept 2013 | Page 8

Sad news We regret to have to mention that our late treasurer, Prof. Leda Siburu finally passed away on July 2nd. Many members had got used to Leda’s helpful ways and APrIR will be forever grateful to her for her many years of dedication. Leda worked as an English teacher for many years both in private and state educational institutions. Those of us who shared social events with her or merely went about with her to run the many errands that APrIR required witnessed her former students’ loving greetings across bank counters, shops and in the street. Leda was, above all, a dedicated teacher who will be dutifully remembered. We would like to thank all our members and representatives of sister Teacher Associations, including FAAPI President Cristina Mayol, for their condolences, which we passed on to Leda’s family. News from our members Rita Zeinstejer has continued to offer monthly webinars for SBS and TIC en el Aula on the integration of internet tools into language learning. We encourage you to join this online community for foreign language teachers at http://ticsenelaula.ning.com/ if you haven’t yet. Fabiana Gallo has been appointed “Jefe de Departamento de Práctica Docente” at IES “Olga Cossettini after successfully meeting the requirements of the Appointments Committee through her qualifications and project. Note: If you are an APrIR member and you are presenting at any event or organising a special activity, please keep us posted by filling in this form: http://tinyurl.com/aprir-member-news We will be delighted to share the information in our News