APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 4/2013 Sept 2013 | Page 4

LATEST ACTIVITIES Vindicating Chat Prof. Rita Zeinstejer offered one of her smashing presentations about applying technology to education. On September 7th., as a way to celebrate Teacher’s Day and APrIR’s Anniversary, Prof. Zeinstejer conducted a webinar on Vindicating Chat: Integrating Chat into the EFL Classroom. Unfortunately once again we missed seeing our members in the webinar. Only two members enrolled but failed to attend. The rest of the participants were non-members. We are very grateful to Rita Zeinstejer for giving a free outstanding presentation, full of resources and tips both to encourage our students to use chat as well as words of caution as to how to avoid any inconvenience by choosing the right chat rooms. Rita illustrated her talk with samples of her own work, which made all she proposed even more possible and profitable. We would also like to thank SBS LIbrería Internacional for allowing the use of their WEBEX platform. FORTHCOMING ACTIVITIES Do it yourself! Adapt or develop speaking teaching resources Prof. Magdalena Prinster de Botto Are you concerned about developing the speaking skill in your classroom? Do you fear coursebooks are not “doing the trick” when it comes to international assessment aligned with Common European Framework levels? Let’s ponder on how to design our own teaching resources to develop spoken competence and how to be a critical consumer of coursebook resources so that they become a friend and not a foe. We will be analysing common features and how to achieve this aim with reference to the following exams Cambridge English suites IELTS TOEFL / TOEIC Trinity Anglia Where? ARCI - Buenos Aires 1174 - When? October 5th—9.30 am APrIR members: free Non-members: $150 - Students and ARCI staff: $60 Enrol online at http://tinyurl.com/aprir-diy2013 (surcharge for use of the system) or at our office Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 to 8pm by October 3rd.