APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2016 (3) | Page 7

News from FAAPI
During 2016 FAAPI ( Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés ) published two newsletters , which we have forwarded to you
Some of the new projects undertaken by the together all Argentinian Teacher Associations are :
Federation that brings
“ Writing to be heard in FAAPI Conferences ", an online academic writing course ( March to May 2016 ), led by tutors Susana Ibáñez and
Raquel Lothringer
Daniel Fernández Scholarship , consisting of the registration fee and three nights at a three-star hotel for the 2016 FAAPI Conference , awarded to Pablo Carpintero , member of ARPI ( Río Cuarto
Webinar series : This new initiative , to be continued in 2017 , was kicked off in October with “ An Online Journey of
Self-Awareness ”, by APrIR member Mariel Amez and continued in December with “ Blended learning and technology integration ”, by
Alicia Artusi from APIBA . For 2017 FAAPI is organising the online course “ Researching
, writing and sharing in academic settings ” as a spin-off to the 2016 experience . It is due to start on March 20th so keep posted for details
The next FAAPI Conference will be held in Posadas , Misioness between August 31st and September 2nd , 2017 , organised by APIM . The theme chosen by the organisers is " Revitalising ELT throughh authenticity : practices & contents and materials", and they are announcing a Super Early Bird fee for January . Follow APIM on Facebook https :// www . facebook . com / apimisiones
We would like to remind you that being a member of APrIR automatically makes you a member of FAAPI , which means you are eligible for all these professional development opportunities . Being an APrIR member thus connects you further off , beyond Rosario with sister associations in Argentina , and even with the rest of the world , since FAAPI is an IATEFL member .
AJAL Vol . 04 , No . 02 ( November 2016 ) is now available to download or read online
, featuring the following original articles
The person and the teacher : A case study into language teacher identity formation , by
Ba-Linh Tran and Hugo Santiago
The inevitability of teaching writing : An interview with Charles Bazerman , by Charles
Bazerman and Diana Mónica
Facilitating students ' creativity in an EFL writing classroom : Voices from the field
, by Heffy Dianawati and Herri Mulyono