APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2014 A Year in Review | Page 2
This year marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Arlette Battier de
Imbert, APrIR’s first President. We paid homage to her on May 10th through a
celebration of her life, led by Rev. Mónica Tompkins at St Bartholomew’s Anglican
Church, in which relatives, colleagues and former students shared memories and
songs. See http://www.aprir.org.ar/anuncios/celebratingprofarletteimbert
At the Annual General Meeting, a new Executive Committee was elected. Some
members stepped down, others changed roles, and new helping hands (and brains)
joined under President Prof. María del Carmen Fernández Beitía and Vice President
Prof. Juana Nicenboim. See http://www.aprir.org.ar/home-1
FAAPI also held its AGM in April, which was attended by two APrIR EC members.
Prof. Cristina Mayol was re-elected as President and among other decisions, the
FAAPI EC requested a document detailing tenure conditions and processes in the
province, and the general outlook for qualified teachers. This summary was
prepared by the EC and submitted later on.
On May 10th Claudia Ferradas, PhD, with the sponsorship of OUP, gave two
presentations: Developing Intercultural Competence in the Foreign Language Class
and Shakespeare in the ELT class. See http://tinyurl.com/nes9to7
Aware that the curricular design for Teacher Education Programmes for the
province was under construction, the EC wrote a document analysing the legislation
and addressing crucial issues regarding the characteristics and demands of our
profession to be taken into account in this process. This document was submitted to
government officials and shared with our members and our sister association ASPI