APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2/2013 | Page 11

Payment methods : a ) at the new headquarters : Corrientes 1672 . Mondays and Wednesdays from 6.15 to 8.15 pm .
b ) On-line transfer or bank deposit : Please , make sure you email us a copy of the transfer slip if you choose this option . Banco Nación Suc . 3020- Rosario CBU N º 0110444240044427146462 Cuenta Corriente Especial N º de cuenta : 4442714644 / 6 Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Rosario CUIT : 30-68050210-9
c ) Eventioz : From this link https :// eventioz . com . ar / events / cuota-societaria-2013-aprirr /
you can print your own slip to pay via Rapipago and Pagofácil , or pay through Pagomiscuentas or credit card . There is a system surcharge for this option
d ) Through your colleagues in the EC ONLY FOR EARLY BIRDS !
Please note that house collection can be implemented only in special circumstances and at your request .
Keeping in touch All our emails are stored in our Google Group , which can be accessed from a tab in the APrIR website ww ww . aprir . org . ar If you have not yet subscribed to http :// groups . google . com / group / aprir please request access asap ! If you are not sure whether you are a member , check the link and see if you have missed any of our updates .
These institutions support APrIR