APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2/2013

Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Rosario 2013 - Newsletter 2
Dear Member ,
The recent natural disasters that have occurred in the areas of Buenos Aires , La Plata and even Santa Fe draw our attention again to some of the risks that we run on a daily basis . Although Argentine citizens may be proud of the altruistic spirit - which has for many years related us to the original ‘ gauchos ’ , many times having been deemed as sharing the traits of such a friendly and generous type - it cannot be denied that the torrential rains and the poor drainage of the flooded areas have placed many Argentinians in jeopardy .
The situation is still dramatic , and it may remain so for a long time , since people will find it difficult to replace the appliances they have lost , clean their homes and escape the danger of possible illness .
Much can be said for and against the behaviour of government officials , but it is difficult to accept the unspeakable attitude of some neighbours who disregard the rules of decency , respect and cooperation .
As teachers we hold the responsibility of educating our students not only in linguistic competences but also in abiding by the norms that ensure we will preserve the world we live in , avoid wasting drinkable water , reduce global warming , and , above all , become good citizens .
It is our task to persuade our students that no flood , no tornado , no hail will be able to rob us of our education . Let us educate and help our students attain the highest possible level of competences , such as no natural or financial disaster will ever destroy .
Education is the means and the end in itself . Education is the greatest asset , and no one can ever snatch it away from us .