continued from page 4
But there is a catch (there always is,
right?) to be good. Building a great
sustainable business takes work. It
takes planning, systems and programs that serve your students. It
takes time. You don’t “double your
business in 30 days”.
And what about the owners that
follow this service based system?
Owners like Professor Beliso, John
Cassidy, John Bussard, Fred DePalma, and Dave Wheaton have all
built million dollars, in some cases
multi-million dollars business that
will be around for decades.
There’s a shift happening in martial
arts these days. One side is pushing short term, fast buck thinking
that hasn’t worked in 30 years. The
other is showing us how to build a
business that serves our students
and community, and one that we
can be proud of.
If you’re interested in the “service” model of running a martial
arts business, there will be a whole
bunch of like-minded people attending the “M.A.I.N “event convention in Clearwater this May 1517.
Come down and rub shoulders with
the “new leaders” of this great profession. You’ll be glad you did.
Randy Reid
Randy Reid is a 6th-Degree
Black Belt and the founder of
DOJO Digest. He started Karate
America in 1984 that grew to
become the largest cha