Owner’s Corner
MENT of your studio!
The well intentioned: This school
owner knows that changes must
From what I see in the industry,
happen. He/she wants to improve
there are 4 types of martial arts
and upgrade what they are doing,
school owners out there. All of us
and it’s even on a list somewhere in
drift toward one of these profiles
their office. The problem is, there
or another. Which one sounds like
is never enough motivation for the
instructor to take a risk and go for
Head in the sand: The school owner it. They are the ones that always
that wants to keep
it the same way
that it was back in
the good ol’ days.
While there are
many schools out
there like this who
do an awesome
job, there are more
that are closing
each year because
they refuse to consider innovating
their studio.
say, “One day I really need to impleJack of all trades: This school owner ment something like that.”
gets fired up by new programs and
ideas and can’t wait to launch new
classes. The issue tends to come in
where they offer so much that their
students aren’t really learning anything, and they are burned out from
trying to keep up with it all. We
have seen it time and time again.
The selective sniper: This school
owner filters everything through
initiating it. If it fits into the vision
and mission of the company, they
pull the trigger and go for it; no
regrets and no looking back. These
school owners aren’t afraid to make
Dojo Digest • April 2014