Are You Suffering From A Lack Of New Students?
Imagine If You Got An Extra 5-7
Students A Month for FREE
and Dominated the Top Pages
of Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Ever wonder why some martial arts schools
SEO (search engine optimization) and how to
dominate the top spots of Google, Yahoo and
are thriving and consistently getting more
Bing. And that’s where we come in.
new students than they can handle? The
secret is simple. They understand how to
CRUSH IT online.
Pages Of Google, Yahoo and Bing.
But how do you CRUSH IT online? Well, the
martial arts industry tells us to just have a great
website. And you’d like to believe them but...
Having a great website is NOT enough.
Especially if several of your competitiors, with
the same looking website, rank higher than you
OR have taken several of the top spots on pg 1.
“The most successful martial arts
schools in the nation are quietly
taking over the top spots on
Google, Yahoo and Bing.
The results: more students and more
money. Now it’s your turn.”
+ Your Website
+ Google+ Local
+ YouTube Videos
+ Positive Reviews
+ Facebook
+ All of it.
+ Simply Outrank Your Competition and Get
More Students.
FACT: Multiple listings and higher rankings
means more calls and more business.
When it comes to finding an SEO company that
can help you crush it online, there are a lot of
factors to think about. We specifically work with
martial arts schools and can show you example
after example of our clients who are secretly
The fact is that when a martial arts school
growing their schools by CRUSHING IT online.
decides to DOMINATE the top spots on the
search engines... they become the #1 school So if you want more new students and to outrank
in their town. They get more calls, more your competition then go to our website at:
customers, and make more money than they
thought possible.
and request a FREE 30 minute consultation.
Listen, we are not just talking about taking And while you’re there, download our new book
one spot on page 1 of google... but taking 4 or 5 for free titled: “Internet Marketing Secrets That
spots on page 1 so you dominate the page and Get Your Phone To Ring Off The Hook.”
become the #1 school in your town.
Or call us at (330) 304-9170.
So, my whole point is that if you want to be the
#1 school in your town, you need to understand
(c) 2014 Stay Totally Booked, LLC