See Roland Osborne at
The M.A.I.N. Event
May 15 -17, 2014
Clearwater Beach, FL
Does it Again
oland Osborne is a visionary, an instructors instructor, educator and leads the
way for hundreds of school owners
By Randy Reid
DD: I here you have a new program
coming out, what do you have for
us this time?
Roland: A program designed to inspire Fight Athletes with Respect,
His Millennium Training and Hyper The Champion Mindset and Tactiprograms have helped thousands
cal Bully Defense Skills. To me, beof schools improve their curricuing a martial arts athlete, you need
lum and business strategies. And
to know how to fight and protect
now I heard Roland is bringing out yourself. I like creative martial arts,
a new program, it was time to con- weapons and tricks but at the end
tact him and find out what’s going of the day when someone is standon.
ing in front of you and ready to at22
Dojo Digest • April 2014