Cover Story: The BEST are Heading to the BEACH!
Chief Master Bill Clark. the systems he uses to produce extraordinary profitable and well run
The legend of martial
summer camps; you’ll want to hear
arts business. He owns
dozens of schools, and
has been a major inMelodee Meyer
fluence on the martial
Ms. Meyer might be
arts profession for five decades
the “sleeper” of the
and is one of the most sought after
event. Together with
minds in our industry.
her husband Dave
John Cassidy
Wheaton they run a
wonderful 600+ student school
Mr. Cassidy is a nice
that has a unique way for moving
guy. And his schools
50-75% of their fitness kickboxare grossing in excess
ing students into long term martial
of five million dollars
arts programs, which is generating
a year. Don’t believe
a million dollar a year. This is really
it when they say “nice guys finish
good stuff folks.
last” Mr. Cassidy is going to share
So, are you coming…? This event
is for the sole
purpose of growing the martial
arts profession
and those that
work tirelessly in
the their schools,
come down, you’ll
be glad you did, I
Dojo Digest • April 2014