April Spotlight | Page 3

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HERALD JOURNAL Publishing Attn : WSCA PO Box 129 Winsted , MN 55395 ( 320 ) 485-2535 ( metro ) Fax : ( 320 ) 485-2878 • wsca @ heraldjournal . com
April 2022 Contents
From the Committees WSCA Administration ....................................................... 4 WSCA Judges List ............................................................ 5 Board Meeting Minutes ................................................. 6-8 Scholarship Application ............................................... 9-10 Royalty Clinic Form ......................................................... 11 Royalty Myths ............................................................ 12-13 Queen ’ s Message ........................................................... 14 Queen ’ s Question ........................................................... 15 Western Saddle Clubs Foundation ............................ 16-17 Showbill Advertising ....................................................... 43 Ad Rates ......................................................................... 44
General Interest Club News ...................................................................... 18 Saddle Club Spotlight .................................................... 19 Showbills .................................................................... 20-36 Advertisements ...................................... 2 , 3 , 37-43 , 48 , 49 $ ale Barn ......................................................................... 41 On Deck .......................................................................... 42
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( 320 ) 485-2535 • wsca @ heraldjournal . com