Table of Contents
Important Date Reminder .............................................................................................................. 1 Four Day Learning Transition ( April 19 ) ..................................................................................... 1
Department of Education Guidance for Increased School Occupancy .............................................. 2 Rules and Procedures .................................................................................................................... 3 Students Entering & Exiting School Grounds .............................................................................. 3 Parent / Guardian Pick-up & Drop-off ................................................................................................... 3 Walkers ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Busing Students ........................................................................................................................................ 3 RULER ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium ( SBAC ) & Next Generation Science Standards ( NGSS ) ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Renovation ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................. 5 Yearbooks ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Term 3 Report Cards .............................................................................................................................. 5
Both Thursday , March 25 and Thursday , April 1 we will follow our Asynchronous Schedule ( the same schedule we utilize on Wednesdays ). This is in response to educator vaccinations and was addressed by Superintendent Drezek at the Board of Education meeting on March 9 , 2021 . Please see remote closure portion of this meeting
Reminder : BOE meeting tonight ( 3 / 23 ) at 7 pm . Viewable
Starting Monday , April 19 JFK will offer four-day-a-week learning to ALL students ! As the district transitions to offer four day in-person learning at the secondary level , we need your decision regarding the remainder of the 2020-21 school year . On Monday , April 19 our hybrid schedule will no longer be offered . Parents / guardians may select from the following two options : 1 ) send your child to school four days a week for in-person learning 2 ) have your child attend school remotely . Our survey will be sent to the email address you have on file with the school system on Friday , March 26 at 7 am . The survey will close on Thursday , April 1 at midnight . Please take a moment to indicate your decision , if we do not