Issue Number 19 | April 2023
Literacy IDL Activism
Written by Isla McMaster , S1 The S1s in Marr College have been working on an IDL activism project as part of literacy as it is a key part of all subjects . This project was completed across various departments such as , RMPS , Music , Business , English , Art and Modern Studies . It is an exciting way to engage pupils more in the lessons . This topic was inspired by the book “ Welcome to Nowhere ” by Elizabeth Baird and “ be the change ” by the activist Gina Martin . They learned about people who have made big changes such as Malala Yousafzai . Also , ways music , social media and art have played a part in activism . The actives they completed
• Creating activist art and graphic design .
• They redesigned the blurb and front cover of Malala .
• Make a digital campaign
• Reading Welcome to Nowhere .
• Researching people power .
This project was really fun and in May the S1s will be taking part in a “ Plastic Waste ” IDL .
P7 Rotary Quiz
Written by Josh Mackenzie , S6 The process of making the rotary quiz started in our Events Leadership class . We were all assigned a round to think up questions for and then the correct answers as well .
We met with a representative of the Troon Rotary team to go over the quiz and make sure everything was okay and not too challenging for the p7 ’ s .
On the day the quiz was done online and everyone was assigned to a round and had to read them out one by one . We also had score keepers and had a break just after round 5 .
The scores were very close all throughout which led to an initial tie breaker . The question was what was the population of Scotland to the nearest one decimal place . One school went 5.3 million and another school said 5.5 and the answer we had was 5.4 million this meant we had to think up of another question on the spot and we decided that we would ask what was the school role of Marr College . Struthers were clear winners when they were only 2 pupils off whereas Barassie was a bit further off meaning Struthers were the 2023 Rotary winners !
Well done to all the students who took part – we hope you enjoyed the event !