Dear Members ,
This month we have finally had some nice dry weather and warmer temperatures to aid the course greening up and starting to break dormancy from a cold winter with plenty of frost and cool temperatures .
On the agronomic side of the golf course , last week a bulk fertilizer and preemergent herbicide application was made to provide fertility for the turf and aid in weed control . Next week we are scheduled for an insecticide application on all roughs and tees . We will be applying insecticide and post emergent herbicide to all other short grass areas ourselves . Also , we will treat areas in the roughs with a post-emergent herbicide . Upon completion of these applications the course will really be rounding into shape for the upcoming season . Recently we have had some soil sampling done on the putting green and found there is a high level of sting nematodes ( microscopic parasitic insects that feed on plant roots and inhibit their ability to take up water and nutrients ) that have been detrimental to that area . To combat this , we have applied a nematicide and will continue to do so on all greens on a monthly basis through the spring to get some control and get that area back to a more presentable condition . We have raised the height of cut on the chipping and putting green and are being a little more careful with them as far as our management practices go .
Thank you for your patience in these matters and with me as I still adjust to new surroundings . St . Johns is a great facility , and I couldn ’ t be happier to be here . I look forward to growing on the past successes and keeping the course in great condition .
Thanks ,
Mike O ’ Malley