April Newsletter 2021 | Page 11


Golf Development Program

Grades 1-2 : Mondays , 4:30-5:30PM Max 10 , 5:1 student to instructor ratio - Cost $ 160 for 4 weeks - 4 / 19 , 4 / 26 , 5 / 3 , 5 / 10
Grades 3-5 : Tuesdays , 4:30-6:00PM Max 18,6:1 student to instructor ratio - Cost $ 200 for 4 weeks - 4 / 20 , 4 / 27 , 5 / 4 , 5 / 11

Beginning the week of April 19th

To Register ?

Program is open to both boys and girls , members and non-members . Skills taught include full swing , putting , and chipping through game-based learning .

Contact Al Consoli : 610.207.7181 or aconsoli @ stjohnsgolf . com
stjohnsgolf . com / lessons