April Newsletter 2021 | Page 11

Chef and I are excited to bring back the Easter festivities this year after an absent year . Historically , this is one of the more popular events of the year .
We will kick off the Easter festivities on Saturday , April 3rd with our Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch . The Egg Hunt will begin at 11:00AM sharp , followed by lunch . Bring your camera , the Easter Bunny will be making a special appearance this year .
On Easter Sunday , our Brunch will be offered from 11:00AM-3:00PM . Please note : seating times will be staggered to avoid large crowds as best we can . To make a reservation for either event , please email reservations @ eaglebrooke . com . There is still space available !
We will be hosting JT Douglas on Friday , April 16th from 7:00PM – 9:00PM . His music can be previewed at www . jtdouglasmusic . com . This is the Friday of the Men ’ s Member Guest Practice rounds . Make your reservations early . We expect a busy night !
Mark your calendars for our upcoming May events . We will host Trivia on Friday , May 7th and Mother ’ s Day Brunch will be hosted on Sunday , May 9th . We hope you can make it !

Brad Little

APRIL eaglebrooke newsletter 11